Self Inspection Is The Key To Wisdom

      Once upon a time there were two siblings, one was boy his name was Fredie and one was girl her name was Hena. Both had different nature one of them had very bastard nature who was Fredie and another one had very kind nature who was Hena. Fredie was bustard nature cause of it's bad companion and Hena was very kind because she always spend time with herself. Fradie spent his most of time with the robbers that's his nature was very bad  another side Hena spent time with herself and she was always practicing meditation for discover herself and she liked monk's companion.

    One day a king came there and he was resting under the tree than heard a sound he saw a bird was talking very rudely with him he said to king -"who is he bathe him and get out from here." Even than Hena came there and she welcomed him well and she took him in a hut where she lived. She said to king- 'make yourself comfortable and take a bath and than take rest.

    After that King went his kingdom than he told everything to a wise old man and than king asked him why did this happen than old man said- "Self inspection is the key to insight, which is the key to wisdom."  

    "The One Who introspects becomes completely peaceful and kind hearted nature. He has more mind powers."


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